Welcome Corporate "Refugees"

Are you a career-oriented person who feels resentment and frustration because…

You have sacrificed your career for your spouse’s job transfer, or now you are a caregiver to an elderly parent or a small child?
You move
every 2-4 years, and now you’re only known as “so and so’s spouse or parent”?
You can’t find a job in your field due to legal restrictions or other barriers in the foreign country you’re now living?
Your self-esteem has taken a huge hit as you didn’t plan to be staying at home being bored and lonely and not contributing to your family’s financial stability?
You feel like a kid again having to live on a monthly allowance and even feel guilty spending your spouse’s money on yourself?You’re worried about how your family will maintain a comfortable lifestyle only living on one income rather than two?
You will likely have to start over again and again each time you move to a different country?


Do you want to find a possible solution to reclaim your identity and boost your self-esteem by…


Getting your career back on track despite moving every 2-4 years so the possible tension in your marriage is relieved and you feel like your old self again?
Finding a fulfilling purpose by helping others and getting paid?
Gaining back your financial independence; i.e. No longer having to ask your spouse for an allowance and contributing to your own retirement savings so you’re not reliant on your spouse’s pension?
Contributing financially to your family’s well being now and in the future?
Being able to fully enjoy the excitement and adventure of every overseas posting, knowing each new posting won’t impact your ability to earn a living?



Interested to know more how this can be done with someone
who has already gone through the experience, so pitfalls can be avoided? 

Schedule a no obligation, complimentary
LEAPSTART consultation today!

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Click here to learn how to avoid
costly Overseas Posting Failures!



for EXPATS and their families!

"5 Steps to Becoming
a Successful Expat"

Moving overseas, while offering an exciting adventure, can be hard, stressful and cause a lot of anxiety for both partners in a marriage.

This e-book is designed to help you and your family adjust to your new role as expats, settle in and thrive!

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LEAPSTART consultation session!

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