Feel the Fear Webinar Landing Page






For the first time in 25 years, Susan Jeffers international best selling self-development book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® is available as tutored sessions from Renée Blasky of the LEAP Network.

Attend the webinar to learn practical ways to release pressure, reduce stress, and make decisions which will improve the quality of your life and help you move forward.

    • Say No to others
    • Feel more in control of your life
    • Find purpose and meaning
    • Improve our overall wellbeing
    • Change reactions to situations
    • Reduce feelings of overwhelm and anxiety
    • Reduce your negative inner-chatter
    • Become more assertive and less aggressive


"This workshop can be life changing if you use the tools you are given"

"This is the workshop that helped me change the way I am feeling when I feel negative"

"I loved the friendly atmosphere and it was easy to understand"

"This workshop helped me to understand that I can change & that I should not fear it"


This webinar is for you if you can identify with the following!

🔲 Change unsettles me

🔲 I do not like upsetting people

🔲 I struggle to put myself first

🔲 I want to have increased self-esteem

🔲 I want to trust myself and others more

🔲 I want to make my dreams become reality

🔲 I struggle to make decisions

🔲 I want to sleep better and worry less

🔲 I do not like confronting difficult situations

🔲 I struggle to say No

🔲 I do not like to admit I am wrong

🔲 I want to be more assertive

🔲 I want to live with purpose and meaning

🔲 I want to happier and smile more

🔲 I need to find balance in my life

🔲 I want to feel better about myself physically or emotionally

If you had more than 7 "YES" answers, this webinar will be of HUGE benefit to you!


These webinars use tried & tested strategies that have helped over 12 million people worldwide"

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® is a registered trademark of Susan Jeffers Ph.D and is being used with her express permission. The course is licenced and based on the teaching of Susan Jeffers Ph.D. as contained in her international bestseller, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®


Click below to register for the webinar of your choice!

Spaces are limited...act now!


November 18th
6 pm US Central
(4 pm PT | 7 pm ET)

no longer available


December 1st

11 am US Central
(9 am PT | 12 pm ET)

no longer available


December 15th
8 am US Central
(6 am PT | 9 am ET)

no longer available


Email me for future dates!




Few people have helped change as many lives as much-loved author and leading self-help authority Susan Jeffers Ph.D. Susan first captured the world's hear over thirty years ago with her acclaimed book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®. Sales of Susan's numerous best-selling works are in the millions, reaching more than 100 countries and translated into over 36 languages.

In 2004, The Times of the U.K. named Susan "The Queen of Self-Help" ranking alongside such influential gurus as Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra. A year earlier the popular spiritual consciousness magazine Kindred Spirit gave Susan the award for Best Personal Development Book of the Year. As well as being a celebrated workshop leader and speaker, Susan appeared on Oprah numerous times and many other national and international radio and television shows.

Susan was best known for her teachings on overcoming fear, healing relationships and moving forward in life with self-confidence, joy and love. Filled with practical tools, sensitivity, humor and wisdom, Susan's books empower people to handle life.

With a celebrity following which includes Oprah, Jim Carrey, Diana Ross, Annie Lennox and Geri Halliwell, the material in Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway changes the life of anyone who is fortunate to read it.

Susan sadly passed away from cancer in 2012 aged 74, yet her powerful message is still as popular as ever and lives on globally in the form of her best-selling books and certified instructor teaching workshops in both corporate and private settings.

"Self-help queen, Susan Jeffers was one of the first big self-help authors and is up there with the stars. Her message is her own life story - a rebel yell of 'stand up and get the hell out of there' to readers who are feeling trapped and trammeled."
The Times UK


Renée is part of a global network of qualified instructors sharing he life-changing principles of Dr. Susan Jeffers. Her inspiring teachings are grounded in the science of understanding human behaviour and have been empowering people worldwide for over 30 years.

"While working with my entrepreneur clients and talking with potential clients I realized many were stuck and couldn't get out of their comfort zones to take the necessary steps to launch and grow their businesses or to make the needed changes they needed to start their desired transformation. 

A friend introduced me to Susan Jeffer's  book and from the very beginning I knew this could help my clients and so many others. By using this material my clients are now empowered, can make decisions, and wake up excited by the day ahead. I am so passionate about this wonderful and impactful material I became a licensed instructor and now conduct webinars and teach workshops based on the book."



Secure your spot in the webinar of your choice!

Spaces are limited...act now!


November 18th
6 pm US Central
(4 pm PT | 7 pm ET)

no longer available


December 1st

11 am US Central
(9 am PT | 12 pm ET)

no longer available


December 15th
8 am US Central
(6 am PT | 9 am ET)
